Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Examples of Scientific Work On Hygiene

Praise and thanksgiving we panjatka presence of the Almighty God who hasgive His grace and karunian so that we can resolvethis paper with the title "SMAN Environmental Hygiene at 40Jakarta. "Scientific work is organized in order to fulfill the taskgroup in Indonesian Language.We recognize that in the preparation of the scientific work is still far fromperfection. For that we are expecting criticism and suggestionsits built to perfection this paper.Furthermore, the author thanks, submitted to the honorable:Indonesian 1.Guru us, Ms. Ariani Spd.
We hope this paper can be useful forreaders in general and for us in particular.


Jakarta, March 4, 2012


Cleanliness is half of faith, that sloganwe often hear so far. So preachers, we must always keepcleanliness wherever we are. Cleanliness is also important forour health, because a healthy body there is a strong soul.Cleanliness is a state free of debris including dustwaste and odor. however cleanliness is often underestimated by thestudents, a lack of awareness was the cause of the persistence of thedirt in the school environment. Actual teaching and learning activities as wellinfluenced by the surrounding environment clean of dirt andbrain concentration will not be easily broken if the school environment cleanespecially in a classroom that is being occupied. The amount of wastescattered in every classroom to impact the cleanliness issueThe most frequently occur in the school environment. while beauty andconvenience of the school environment becomes acu points for enthusiasm

1students in achieving good performance. Currently, all residentsschools have their respective roles to createschool environment is clean, beautiful and comfortable. however, oftenschool programs are not running properly so that programschool is not in accordance with the plan. Virtually every ceremony MondayPatrons are reminded by the ceremony so that the students canmaintain the cleanliness of the school and classrooms, in addition to anyclass representative is already committed to protecting thehygiene classroom and school environment witnessed by the ChiefSchool SMAN 40, Vice Principal, Teachers and all StudentsSMAN 40, but komitnen performed each chairclass only aware of a small fraction of the students at SMAN 40
B. Problem FormulationTo be more purposeful writing, the authors of this study focusedto formulate the problem as follows:1. How methods of recognition of the importance of environmental cleanliness
school?2. How is the development of students' activities in hygiene
school environment?


C. Research ObjectivesWriting this paper aims to:1. Invite students to keep the school environment clean
SMAN 40.2. Knowing the role of students' progress in creating
cleanliness of the school environment.3. Determine the effect of the condition of the school's activities
teaching and learning.
D. BenefitWhile the benefits of writing this paper are:1. This study is useful for the development of students' awareness
the school environment.2. The results of this study serve as a reference for problem-solving
masalh faced by the entire school community to maintain
hygiene school.3. This study is useful for a consideration of the importance mebeerikan
will maintain the cleanliness of the school environment and the credibility of SMAN 40
as monitored point Adipura trophy.

E. HypothesisThe number of students who litter, mayjust because they do not know the importance of hygiene and they do notconcerned with the environment,
Operational DefinitionThe role of students in the school can create a healthy environmentthrough increased knowledge in maintaining the cleanlinessschool environment.

1. Waste ClassificationIn order for administration of waste going well, then any rubbishshould have sorted out according to the type of organic wasteand inorganic.2. Environmental changes due to activityEnvironmental changes can occur because of the activity the students inteaching and learning activities. activities students can transform a roomclass before the clean becomes soiled, for example, when studentsposter drawing tasks using color pencil and whencolor pencil broke, they would be but waste of merautnyacolor pencil sharpener in the exhaust under the table and manyothers.

We use survey research. Survey research is researchdone by bringing in every classroom and the environmentaround the school to dapa accurate and reliable data on accountabilityjustified.
B. Data Collection TechniquesAuthor melakuan data collection techniques through direct observation, The author falls into the scope langsug observation area todetermine the extent of sensitivity, attention and the role of studentsin maintaining the cleanliness of the school environment.
C. Data and Data SourcesThe author describes the data that has been obtained through observationdirectly in each classroom. Of classrooms that we went tosay everything in a dirty and there are many scratchesgraffiti on the walls, tables and benches.

1. Conditions at SMAN 40 Jakarta CleanlinessCleanliness of the school environment is very influential to the spiritlearning the students, therefore the school environment cleanSMAN 40 is to note. Currently hygiene conditions inschool SMAN 40 is less than what was expected. In someroom even all classrooms often be found trash andgraffiti-graffiti on the tables, chairs and walls. when in fact every ceremonyMonday was reminded by coaches ceremony so that the studentsto keep the school and classrooms. PartiesSchools also have to do the cleaning table and chairs in each roomclass and every day after school hours the school waspembersihkan are rubbish classroom, unfortunatelyThere are still a lot of graffiti scratches that are on the table and chairs inclassroom. This shows the low level of caring studentsSMAN 40 ffor keeping the school environment clean.

2. Impact School of Environmental ConditionsFactors affecting the performance and spirit of the students of SMAN 40one of them is the cleanliness of the school environment in particular classroomsIf only every classroom clean, the concentration will learn tidahsplit and will focus on the lesson, so the system of the brainwill increase. Consequently classroom should be in a state ofnet so that the students can concentrate on learning.
3. Students Role In Creating a School Environment Clean
In order for the school to look clean, beautiful, comfortable and beautiful then the student-students are expected to play a role in keeping the environment cleanschools in several ways, for example: dispose of waste inplace, do not scribble on desks, chairs, walls and doant operations in any school. Students are also required tocarry picket specified and set by eachthe management class, the most important thing is to start with yourselfrealize new friends in maintaining the cleanliness of the school environmentparticular classroom.

4. Efforts Creating Environmental Cleanliness School.By creating a school environment cleanliness, should attempt-efforts as follows:A. Gave the strict sanctions for students who violate
regulations on environmental hygiene school.B. Conduct raids every 1 month to students who
bring the tip-x.C. Conducting cleanliness competitions each year so that the students
goaded to keep the bird class so the class
got the champion.
5. Obstacles to Create Kebesiham School Environment
Some of the constraints faced by the school are:A. Moving class system that makes it difficult to keep students
cleanliness.B. Lack of awareness of the students in maintaining the cleanliness of the classroom
and school environment,C. Paralysis supervision of teachers who are teaching for
commemorate that students semmut operations before
KBM progress or change in any of the lessons.
A. ConclusionAwareness of students who are very low on the importance of hygieneschool environment makes SMAN 40 JAKARTA still biasedsaid the school is clean, beautiful, comfortable and healthy harena stilla lot of trash, graffiti-graffiti on MENJA, chair or wall.
B. SuggestionThe advice given in this paper are:1. Each classroom is given a tool to clean like a broom, a
waste dam dustpan.2. Hold a clean every home school.3. Creating legislation to students who are caught

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